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User Guide

This is a user guide for the personalised task manager, Duke.


  1. Add
  2. Delete
  3. Complete
  4. Find
  5. List
  6. View statistics
  7. Exit


todo {name} - Adds a new todo task to Duke

Todos are tasks without any date attached to it. Adds a todo to Duke. Name of task has to be specified after the todo command.

Example of usage:

todo eat

Expected output:

added! [todo][x] eat total task: 1 :o

deadline {name} /by {date} - Adds a new deadline task to Duke

Deadlines are tasks that has to be done before a specific date. Adds a deadline to Duke. Name of task and date of task has to be specified after the todo command. Date has to be specified in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Example of usage:

deadline homework /by 2020-09-20

Expected output:

added! [deadline][x] homework (by: 20 Sep 2020) total task: 2 :o

event {name} /at {date} - Adds a new event task to Duke

Events are tasks that occur on a specific date. Adds an event to Duke. Name of task and date of task has to be specified after the todo command. Date has to be specified in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Example of usage:

event birthday /at 2020-10-10

Expected output:

added! [event][x] birthday (at: 10 Oct 2020) total task: 3 :o

delete {task number} - Deletes a task in Duke

Deletes a task in Duke. Task number has to be specified.

Example of usage:

delete 3

Expected output:

removed!! ^^ [event][x] birthday (at: 10 Oct 2020) total task: 2 :o

done {task number} - Completes a task in Duke

Completes a task in Duke. Task number has to be specified.

Example of usage:

done 5

Expected output:

gfy youve managed to finish the following... [todo][o] read book

find {keyword} - Finds a task in Duke

Finds task matching specified keyword in Duke. Keyword has to be specified.

Example of usage:

find book

Expected output:

1. [todo][o] eat 2. [event][x] book club (at: 11 Oct 2020)

list - List all tasks added to Duke

Lists all tasks added to Duke.

Expected output:

1. [todo][x] book review 2. [event][x] book club (at: 11 Oct 2020) 3. [todo][o] eat 4. [deadline][x] homework (by: 20 Sep 2020)

statistics - Show statistics of tasks in Duke

Shows weekly statistics.

Expected output:

total tasks added: 3 total tasks completed: 1 total tasks deleted: 1

bye - Terminates Duke

Terminates Duke.